Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Chico, California, USA
5.6% abv
12oz bottle
Appearance: dark brown body with a bubbly almost two finger tan head
Aroma: mellow dark roasted grains with a hint of baker’s
Flavors: pretty much like the nose; roasted malts swirl on
the palate to remind me of a medium roast coffee; a nice touch of baker’s
chocolate on the back and finish
Mouthfeel: moderate-low carbonation; moderate roasted notes;
medium medium-full body; fairly simple which is how I like my women I mean my
Porters; straight forward roasted malts bringing that coffee and some type of chocolate
– I am happy then – a classic porter.
To the Point: easy drinking Porter; enjoyable on this cold
November night; I’ll have to buy a couple of six packs to add to the beer
fridge; I have been looking for some Porters over the last month and it is
getting hard to find one; I prefer Fuller’s London Porter