Napa Smith Brewery
Napa, California, USA
8% abv
1pt 6oz bottle
Could not make out price tag
4.00 or $4.99? a bottle
Appearance: black body with no head and a spot here or there
on the lacing
Aroma: lightly boozy, some roasted malts, I was expecting
some coffee or chocolate
Flavors: charcoal, medium roast coffee with a touch of
alcohol coming through and a bit of licorice
Mouthfeel: a little flat, not much on the carbonation, medicinal
like on the aftertaste,
To the Point: rather boring Porter, I am really disappointed,
I was looking forward to trying this Imperial Porter. I would never buy this again. If I was going to grade this beer I would
give it a C-.
I am sitting back and enjoying this porter before the super bowl. The C- grade my be a little off - today I would give it a C+ maybe B-. Nice smoky notes; the aftertaste is still a charcoal medicinal like;