Monday, April 12, 2010

Calabaza Blanca White Ale: Review

Calabaza Blanca is from the Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales Brewery in Dexter Michigan. This ale is barrel aged and bottle conditioned according to the front label on the bottle, so there should be no argument about that. The ale pours a good looking two finger head of white foam. The color is a clear pale yellow. There is some nice lacing on the glass and the aroma is definitely citrus and coriander.

As my taste buds get ready for a dose of coriander I am not surprised with the smack of citrus rind tartness and coriander spice. This leaves me thinking of a big Granny Smith apple taste of tart green apples as well. The fine carbonation and little watery edge, helps to keep the palate clean. There is a nice lingering tartness that plays on the aftertaste though. This is a nice interpretation of a Belgian wit bier.

1 comment:

  1. know so much about fine things. Did u learn any of that at NHS?
