Founders Brewing Co.
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
9.8% abv
50 IBU’s
I feel a personal connection to this ale for some reason.
Make sure to swirl the bottle with the last 1/3 of ale in the bottle so to kick up the sediment and this will improve the head on the ale.
Appearance: deep hazy flat amber with a one finger light tan head that leaves plenty of lacing on the side of the glass.
Aroma: sweet roasted caramel, buttered light brown sugar, light hoppy note, fairly light from what I expected. When the ale warmed up I noticed a bourbon ball candy note. Yeap, the nose becomes a little boozy as it warms.
Flavors: sweet roasted caramel and stone fruitiness with a dusting of coconut on the front; floral, kind of piney, bitter hops on the mid-palate and finish. Sweet soil earthy tone with a slight bourbon barrel oak cask (probably the alcohol is making me think of that). It is a sipper.
Mouthfeel: sticky hops making it slightly syrupy, bitter notes cling to the palate for a linger aftertaste nothing overwhelming, low carbonation, good medium-full body, soft wool like texture, big malty body with
My Strength Rating: 6.5 – medium-full, the alcohol kicks it up a bit.
To the Point: a nice combination of malty tones and then the hops kick in to add some interest. Not for everyone.
Pair this with a cigar that has a coffee like profile.
Just read on the Founders web site that they used molasses and then it is oaked aged.